Wishing you all a very Happy Valentines Day. I fear I haven't written anything new,but I thought I'd list my few romance stories if you haven't yet…
I just dashed this off as a little holiday gift for you all. I fear it is not very inspired, but I hope you will enjoy it. Title: The King's…
Filipos has now been with me seven years. Joseph was one sometime between the middle and end of November so my kitten is now a cat. I didn't…
Wishing you all a very Happy Valentines Day. I fear I haven't written anything new,but I thought I'd list my few romance stories if you haven't yet…
I just dashed this off as a little holiday gift for you all. I fear it is not very inspired, but I hope you will enjoy it. Title: The King's…
Filipos has now been with me seven years. Joseph was one sometime between the middle and end of November so my kitten is now a cat. I didn't…