lindahoyland (lindahoyland) wrote,

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An E with dots

Written for the "There and Back Challenge"
With thanks to Raksha.

The characters are the property of the Tolkien estate. 

An E with dots




Eldarion say hunched over his desk, frowning in concentration and biting his pen.


“What are you writing, my son?” Aragorn enquired.


“My tutor says I must write about Fëanor, but I find his name so hard to spell!” the boy replied.


“An E with dots like Fëanor’s spots!” Aragorn told the boy. “That is how my tutor taught me to remember the spelling. Imagine if Elves could catch measles!”


“You found it hard too?” Eldarion asked incredulously.


 “Do not forget that that I was once young.” Aragorn smiled. “Now put your books away and I will tell you Fëanor’s story.”

Tags: drabbles

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