Title – Harvest Dreams
Author: Linda Hoyland
Characters/Pairing: Faramir/ Eowyn, OMC
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Book/Source: LOTR book-verse
With thanks to Raksha
It was a perfect summer day and the hay harvest was bountiful that year. Young men and maidens cut the hay, laughing and singing as they worked. Several children played, chasing one another round the field. A woman called the labourers to come and partake of refreshment, cider and great hunks of crusty bread, creamy butter, and rich cheese. Faramir could not see her face, only that she had hair like ripe corn. A little girl clutched at her skirts.
“Captain, wake up! The Southrons are attacking!”
Faramir was roused from blissful dreaming to face the harsh reality of day.