The Ginger Boys at twilight.
Disease in ancient times
I thought some of you might find these articles interesting when researching what diseases people in M-e might have suffered from.…
Protective silk
I was interested to read this article in the paper the other day about protective underwear for soldiers, which used silk. BCB International, a…
You've Got to be Carefully Taught - Chapter 3
So long, farewell Auf Wiedersehen, adieu - Hammerstein With grateful thanks to Virtuella and Raksha Disclaimer: The characters are the property…
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Disease in ancient times
I thought some of you might find these articles interesting when researching what diseases people in M-e might have suffered from.…
Protective silk
I was interested to read this article in the paper the other day about protective underwear for soldiers, which used silk. BCB International, a…
You've Got to be Carefully Taught - Chapter 3
So long, farewell Auf Wiedersehen, adieu - Hammerstein With grateful thanks to Virtuella and Raksha Disclaimer: The characters are the property…