lindahoyland (lindahoyland) wrote,

An Award for Filipos

A win for Filipos Apollo. 155262335_10224804016551998_5291679831613063_nThe class was split into cats, dogs and other pets.
Tags: contests.

  • Happy New Year

    Wishing you blessings, health and happiness for the New Year.

  • Christmas Greetings

    Wishing all who celebrate a joyous and peaceful Christmas from the Ginger Boys and I. Reuben declined to wear a festive outfit. I've just been to…

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  • Happy New Year

    Wishing you blessings, health and happiness for the New Year.

  • Christmas Greetings

    Wishing all who celebrate a joyous and peaceful Christmas from the Ginger Boys and I. Reuben declined to wear a festive outfit. I've just been to…

  • Happy Halloween