Pet Show For Yorkshire Cat Rescue. Sleepy Pets Flash Class
Congratulations on your place with Filipos Apollo, Thomas Leo & Harry
89 photos entered.
Posted mostly for my own records as I may not get round to answering comments.
Filipos has now been with me seven years. Joseph was one sometime between the middle and end of November so my kitten is now a cat. I didn't…
I've made some calendars to try and raise money for God's Little People Cat rescue who arranged Filipos' adoption. I will donate £5 (all the profit)…
Filipos has now been with me seven years. Joseph was one sometime between the middle and end of November so my kitten is now a cat. I didn't…
I've made some calendars to try and raise money for God's Little People Cat rescue who arranged Filipos' adoption. I will donate £5 (all the profit)…