For though my faith is not yours and your faith is not mine, if we each are free to light our own flame, together we can banish some of the darkness of the world.
Wishing you all a very Happy Valentines Day. I fear I haven't written anything new,but I thought I'd list my few romance stories if you haven't yet…
I just dashed this off as a little holiday gift for you all. I fear it is not very inspired, but I hope you will enjoy it. Title: The King's…
Filipos has now been with me seven years. Joseph was one sometime between the middle and end of November so my kitten is now a cat. I didn't…
Wishing you all a very Happy Valentines Day. I fear I haven't written anything new,but I thought I'd list my few romance stories if you haven't yet…
I just dashed this off as a little holiday gift for you all. I fear it is not very inspired, but I hope you will enjoy it. Title: The King's…
Filipos has now been with me seven years. Joseph was one sometime between the middle and end of November so my kitten is now a cat. I didn't…
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